Ponder This:
The sky bluegray like your eyes
The clouds soft as your hair
But angel white instead of brown
Untouchable yet soft I know
Softer still is your hair of silk
Which makes my flesh tingle
Every time it brushes my cheek
The scent of the lilacs like your skin
The cooling breeze your smile
The grass beneath my feet our bed
And the world watches us make love
Until the stars like diamonds
Of perspiration on your lilac skin
Have scattered across the night sky
And the
New Moon
Sheds a tear
of Joy
-Ye Olde Blowharde
The Reality Of Reality, My Friend
I shoulda mowed the lawn yesterday
Shoulda cut that grass
...but I di'n't
I sure shoulda washed my clothes
Shoulda gone to the laundromat
...but I di'n't
Instead I...
Just wore that same pair of
Underwear for a third day
Powdered myself
Against the stink
& when I crossed the lawn
That jungle of grass
I tripped & fell
Disappeared from sight
I shoulda felt bad about the grass
Shoulda felt guilty for lettin' it go
...but I di'n't
I shoulda apologized to my neighbors
For the long grass & my ass smell
...but I di'n't
Instead I...
Just lay there beneath the Autumn sun
Felt its dying warmth on my neck
Felt the grass between my fingers
Felt the odor of the earth rise into me
& laughed
Longer & louder
Than ever before
-Prof. Dirk Beat
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