Catch 22 (Squared)
Unmade bed, soiled linen
Tissues dot the hardwood floor
One resting in a brown leather shoe
That resides beside the bed
Unmade, soiled linen
Mismatched pairs of shoes
Populate the floor, one pair
Positioned as though
Whoever wore them
Had just disappeared
The only evidence left
Of his life the stationary
Shoes, mid-stride
Beside the unmade bed
& soiled linen
Atop the bed & to one side
The side where a mate should be
Are piles of books & magazines
The nightstand carries a heap as well
Along with several messy stacks
On the floor along the far side
Of the Master's bed,
Unmade, soiled linen
The Master makes it look easy
This haphazard array of his
Clothing & reading material
His used tissues snot & sperm
But it took years of practice
To learn to live this way
To be comfortable with
An unmade bed &
Soiled linen
To be more comfortable
There than anywhere else
-Prof. Dirk Beat
The Alarm Clock's Set For Eternity
A stack of unread books on the floor
Old words for future consideration
Covered in a thick film of dust
Time takes its toll on all things
It's relativity ultimately irrelevant
No matter what Einstein said
As we arc around the sun
Travel ever forward towards the end
The living of it makes no real difference
Constantly changing forms grow & erode
Flesh thickens over bone then melts away
Leaving skeletons which in turn become dust
Snow piles & melts, oceans rise & evaporate
Trees thrust up from the earth, thrive then burn
Die in order to nourish another generation
The books remain stacked in the corner
One by one read over a single lifetime
That coincides with the birth & death
Of all things
-Prof. Dirk Beat
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