According to Saudi law, women's rights are severely restricted. Not only are they forced to wear outfits in public that cover them from head to toe, but they are forbidden to be alone with a man who is not either an immediate member of their family or their husband. They also aren't allowed to drive (I'm not sure that one's such a bad thing) and are required to get a man's permission before they can travel or have surgery.
In a recent, well-publicized case, a Saudi woman who was engaged to be married was alone on an illegal tryst with a man who was not her fiance. A group of men, Islamic faithfuls no doubt, claiming to have discovered the law-breakers in the act with the woman's clothes scattered on the ground, attacked the couple, repeatedly raping them both, then ran around the community bragging about it. When the husband got wind of it, the woman was forced to come forward and the rapists were charged and sentenced to jail time. The woman was sentenced to ninety lashes. That's right LASHES, like in with a fucking BULLWHIP. For being alone with a man who wasn't her husband.
When she appealed and the story got out to the media, the whipping was increased to TWO-HUNDRED LASHES, due to what the judge claimed was additional evidence brought to light during the process. The rapists sentences were also increased. The woman's defense attorney has since been banned from practicing law.
I saw a snippet of an interview with King Abdullah last night and a female American reporter asked him why it was taking so long for women to gain equal rights in his country. Forgive me, but the number of Happy Hour beers I had will force me to paraphrase here. Essentially he replied with another question along the lines of: 'How long did it take in your country?' Well, King, to be sure it took awhile here, too. About three hundred years ago we finally figured out that they weren't really witches, and from there it only took a couple hundred years more before we let them vote, smoke and go to work.
Now look where we are... Hillary Clinton might actually have a snowball's chance in Hell of becoming the next President of the United States. As the lesser of two evils, I guess I'd vote for her.
But I'm still not convinced that she isn't a witch.

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