Did this dumb fucker forget that our military is already stretched thin as Nicole Ritchie's neck because we're still hopelessly mired in a winless war in Iraq? Doesn't it seem a little ironic that right in the middle of all this public posturing against the regime of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, amidst Bush's announcement that 'all options are on the table' to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons (NOT nuke-yoo-ler, by the way, you moron), that he's also pushing for peace in the Middle East?
Is Ahmadinejad a jackass? Doubtless he is. And he's probably very dangerous, too, not only to the stability of the region but to the United States and the world in general. I don't like the smug bastard at all, and the White House considers him the Hitler of our present day. Because of that, George W. is dead set on making the ouster of the Iranian President his pet project before he leaves office in a little over a year.
Bush claims that he's concerned about the possibility of another World War, but I'm not sure that he realizes that in order for a war to begin, somebody's got to launch a military attack. Hey, does anybody in the White House remember Pearl Harbor? Do you? In case you don't, the Japanese launched a preemptive air strike on our Navy in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. The anniversary of that attack is tomorrow. Remember how that fucking war ended? Nagasaki? Hiroshima? Atomic bombs dropped on innocent civilians? Do the names mean anything to you?
Don't kid yourself, folks. It could happen again. And what better way would there be to get Russia riled up short of dropping bombs on Moscow itself, than launching an attack on Putin's Middle East butt-buddy Ahmadinejad?
Here's what we need to do, folks. We need to get the best scientific minds in the world to gather in the United States, put their freaking heads together and come up with some renewable energy sources that make oil AND nuclear power obsolete. Then we can let those fuckers in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Russia eat their goddamn crude. Let's see how they like them Granny Smiths.
In the meantime, why can't we just figure out a way to selectively kill those bad guys who we perceive of as enemies, instead of bombing so-called military targets which have been strategically located in populated areas and shielded with innocent human beings? We can use satellites to take a picture of my fucking backyard! You can see the car parked in the driveway! It's true! How hard could it be to hook up a laser to that same satellite and 'ZAP'! No more Ahmadinejad?!
In a related twist of logic... Why is it we can call for the House and the Senate to approve a military strike on Iraq, begin a military campaign aimed at the capture, trial and execution of Saddam Hussein, but we can't just go in there and pay somebody to murder him? Somehow, that's against the 'rules'.
Am I the only one who doesn't get this shit?

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