Sunday, January 6, 2008

Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I know almost nothing about politics. And I'd make a horrible President, mostly because I'm just not a very good liar.

For example: If I had transformed our thriving economy into a giant turd with a skyrocketing budget deficit, a shrinking middle class, millions of manufacturing jobs lost via overseas outsourcing while at the same time involving us in a multi-trillion dollar war in Iraq with no end in sight, I'd be hard pressed to gild that steaming pile of dung and serve it up to the American people like good old George W. has been doing for the past six years.

But hey, that's me. I figure you guys are smarter than that.

Last night I was switching back and forth between the Pistons/Celtics game and this so-called 'debate' amongst the Republican and Democratic front runners on ABC. I'm not going to bother getting into who believes what here, or what each candidate's positions are on any given subject. Suffice it to say that the Republicans have all bought into the idea that our latest troop surge in Iraq is working and they all want to take some credit for supporting it from the beginning. The Democrats are on the opposite side of that particular fence and believe we should begin immediate withdrawals.

There are arguments across the board about just how all this should be done, of course, but the gist of it is, the Democrats favor an end to the war while the Republicans think things are going well and that we need to stay the course, which obviously would require Bush passing the sword to one of them.

I was struck by one of the things that Giuliani said when Charlie Gibson asked him a question about what principles he would bring to the office of the President. He said something to the effect that there was more to being an elected leader than paying attention to public opinion polls and doing what the people wanted to do at any given time.

No, there isn't, you arrogant bastard. That is the very essence of what an elected official is. Senators and Congressmen are selected by the public to represent our local interests. The President is elected to serve the national interest. If the American people as a group think it's time for this farcical situation in Iraq to be over, it IS the fucking President's JOB to figure out a way to do it. And that is that.

Obama struck a note when he campaigned on the simple idea of 'change' in Iowa and blew everybody out of the water. Guess what. All of these Republican bastards adopted the word 'change' (as did Edwards by the way) as a magical catch word that would help them to garner votes. Do they mean it? Fuck no. It's all just a bunch of lip service to see who can get the most 'face time' during a two-hour gabfest masquerading as a 'debate'.

The Republicans were at each other's throats last night, too, with accusations of lies and flip-flopping on issues flying from every camp. Even though Romney lost in Iowa, they seemed to attack him more than they did Huckabee for some reason, but I'd be willing to bet that if Romney gets the nomination and one of those other Bozos gets offered the position of running mate, whoever it is would lick Romney's rectum like they were best-buddy Terriers frolicking at the dog run.

By the way... that smug John Edwards may get expensive haircuts, but some of these Republican geezers should consider giving his barber a try. Hey, Senator McCain! That fuzzy mop of yours looks like there's a tarantula nesting inside your skull! Do something with it! A bag of Bic disposable razors only costs three bucks!

Like I said, I don't know much about politics, but I do know the difference between right and wrong. Lying is wrong, especially when done for selfish motives. War is almost always wrong.

And pretending that this combination ABC News commercial/hot air session (between a bunch of egotistical millionaires who give lip service to the word 'change' just to get elected) is a 'debate' of any kind seems very wrong to me.

You want change? Here's a good change for you: Let's NUKE EVERYBODY! Cuba and Venezuela... BOOM! BOOM! China... BOOM!! Russia... BOOOOM!!!! Korea (North AND South - FUCK 'EM!) KA-BOOOOM!!!! The ENTIRE Middle East... KA-FUCKING-BOOOOOOOOOM!!!

I bet that when they get a good dose of nuclear fallout, those Africans would straighten their goddamn act up, too.

Then we annex Canada and Mexico, turn Australia back into a penal colony, make all of Europe our bitches and spend our vacations in Japan.

I just love their sexy little women.I figured the six asses this week deserved six sweet cheeks, so let's start off with Ebonee, who works out of Detroit and Cleveland and gives full service with multiple pops starting at 250 diamonds...Next up we have Hailey. You'll find her on the Pittsburgh page and she specializes in GFE and offers foot worship and domination sessions. Now that's what I call a BOOTY...And finally there's Kiko, a half-Japanese, half-Hawaiian beauty from the Seattle area who caters to upscale gentlemen, ladies and couples. Her rates start at $300 for one hour and Kiko's also available for overnight visits and travel.

1 comment:

todd said...

Damn! I'd vote for you!