Did Roger Clemens knowingly have himself injected with steroids and/or HGH? Sure, he probably did. How else do you think he managed to throw all those fastballs for twenty-some-odd years? Magic? Did that smarmy Brian McNamee do the injecting? More than likely, yes, although it's amazing to me that he saved all those used syringes in his basement for a decade just in case he would ever need to defend himself as he now has to do in the current investigation taking place on Capitol Hill.
But here's the real question: Does ANYbody besides the parties involved really give a rat's ass anymore?! The answer is a resounding 'NO FUCKING WAY!'
What bugs me even more than Clemens taking something to help his injuries heal, even if it was illegal at the time and he knew that it was, is that we're now spending god-only-knows-how-much time and money on this ridiculous, farcical so-called 'investigation' at a time when our precious energy and resources could be much better spent buying books for inner city schools. How about opening a couple homeless shelters and you folks in Congress moving on to more important issues, like trying to get our people out of fucking Iraq?!
Listen, it seems to me there's no doubt that rules were broken here by more than one party. This isn't the only steroids-in-baseball story in the news these days, you know. Remember that thick-necked bozo who broke Hank Aaron's record last season? There's absolutely no doubt that these drugs can be used to enhance athletic performance, if nothing more than helping injuries heal faster and providing extra stamina. But I could take a bucket full of steroids every day from now until doomsday and I still wouldn't be able to hit the ball out of Comerica Park. And it wouldn't help me pitch a no-hitter, either. At least in Clemens' case, he didn't use so many steroids that his feet grew four shoe sizes once he'd reached adulthood. And as far as I know, your gut doesn't get bigger from using them, so Roger's covered in that department.
No, I'm much more pissed at Roger because last year he worked half a season and STILL made twice as much jack as anybody else!
I watched some YouTube videos of this Henry Waxman asking Clemens questions about some party at Jose Canseco's that took place in the nineties, and whether or not Clemens and his kid's nanny were in attendance at the time. The Rocket actually still had a ten-year-old receipt from a golf pro shop to supposedly 'prove' that he wasn't there, by the way, which is almost as crazy as McNamee still having the syringes that he allegedly used on Roger. Anyway, apparently the nanny has been subpoenaed to give a deposition because she can corroborate the fact that Clemens is lying about something. Sure he's lying! They're all fucking lying! The world is one big lie after another! Accept it! I remember it almost killed me when I found out there was no Santa Claus!
If you don't believe me you can actually go watch the mind-numbing stupidity for yourself. Just don't blame me for telling you about it. You'd be better off spending what few minutes you have left on this earth to take a fucking nap.
Hey, before I introduce the girls, I just want to quickly say for you folks in the Detroit area: WATCH OUT! The cops are busting people who advertise their services on Craig's List. I saw it on the local news. You'd think that in a city with only a 44 % success rate in solving homicides the police would have something better to do, but nope. That means that out of the 394 murders perpetrated in the city last year, the killers are still running loose on 220 of them.

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