This past Monday, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy held a press conference to announce the charges against the Mayor and his former Chief of Staff (and piece on the side), Christine Beatty. Multiple counts of perjury were issued as well as charges of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and misconduct in office. Several of the charges were felonies that, if convicted, carry a fifteen year prison sentence.
The pair was then ordered to turn themselves in to the Wayne County Sheriff's Department by the next day, where they were to be fingerprinted and booked (Mugshots, don't you just love 'em? They're practically an art form in and of themselves!) before being released on personal recognizance.
Of course Kwame answered Worthy with a little press conference of his own, during which he stated that he was confident that when the process had been completed, he would be totally exonerated of any charges of wrongdoing. He informed the press that he would not be answering questions once he'd read his statement, and true to his word he refused to even acknowledge one reporter who shouted as the Mayor exited: "Do you know what exonerated means?"
Kwame also refused to step down from his job running the city of Detroit, and immediately began plans to raise money to help him pay the $750 per hour attorney he hired to get him out of this mess.
Beatty resigned weeks ago when the contents of the text messages were first made public.
But here's where it gets funny again: One of the first things the Kilpatrick team did was tout TV Judge Greg Mathis (a native Detroiter) as an instrumental supporter of the Mayor who they claimed was going to serve as a key administrator of Kwame's newly-established legal defense fund.
Unfortunately, the Mayor's peeps didn't bother to okay that with Mathis himself, who shot back via a press release that not only did he NOT support Kilpatrick, but he strongly believed that the Mayor should RESIGN so that Detroit could get on with the healing process. I guess Kwame figured 'What's one more lie at this point?'
You gotta admire the balls on this guy, though, don't you? I mean, just take a look at his mugshot up there and tell me he's not guilty. Tell me he doesn't have contempt for that fucking camera. Tell me he's not plotting his revenge right at the moment they snapped the photo. Check out those eyes! It looks to me like he's imagining how much fun it would be to strangle Kym Worthy, then have everybody in the room shot!

You know, I can't help it, but goddamn I think she's hot, don't you? I wonder what she would look like with a little more makeup on.
Some eye shadow.....Hmmm...Maybe a little lipstick...nice...

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