'Paradise' separates itself from 'Gone With The Wind' in a number of key areas. Acting, directing and believability of the plot immediately leap to mind, as does the soundtrack, which plays like a ninety-minute Silly Symphony. I expected Porky to pop up at the end and go: “Th-thuh-thuh-th-th-thuh-that's All, Folks!” Instead, we get to hear Phoebe sing the sappy title song over the closing credits. You know what? Her singing was about on par with her acting.
I imagined her singing topless. It helped.

Set in the middle east during the Victorian era, the plot involves two teens coming of age after a series of unfortunate events throws them together and on the run in the desert, fleeing an evil slave-trader who has already killed Cates' guardians and Aames' parents in a bloody attempt to grab Phoebe for his own personal harem.

Just as they're about to die, the pair stumbles across a completely uninhabited oasis on the ocean's edge (their 'paradise') where they decide to set up shop, and before you know it, the handy Aames has built them an entire compound out of palm fronds and branches a la 'Gilligan's Island'.

By the way, Phoebe Cates is now forty-five and still looks fantastic.
I've read reviews that claim 'Paradise' is one of the worst movies ever made. Trust me on this one, folks, I've seen most of the worst movies ever made, and this one doesn't even come close. You can't ignore the nudity factor, the graphic violence and the 'R' rating that makes 'Paradise' a flawed but entertaining piece of film.
It kind of felt like I was watching a dirty Disney movie, whatever that is.
Speaking of dirty movies, I have a couple of vintage VHS tapes on the way that I snagged off the little known 'mature' section of Ebay... 'Black Voodoo' starring Angel Kelly and a rare, out-of-print copy of 'Open House' from 1989, featuring Nina DePonca. I can't wait! I'll fill you in on both of them as soon as they arrive.
Um, you better make that an hour after they arrive. Don't worry, I'll fast forward through the slow parts.
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