Friday, September 26, 2008

As of this morning we still don't know if there's going to be a Presidential debate tonight thanks to John McCain's last minute stall tactics. He claims that he's suddenly more interested in this country than in running for President. Does that even make sense? Because I thought being interested in this country was WHY he was running for President.

The real reason is that neither he, nor his brilliantly-educated running mate Sarah Palin (nor any of the fucking Republicans for that matter) have a clue as to what to do about the economic mess we're in, and as usual, their answer is to do absolutely nothing. No, check that. McCain wanted to fire the Chairman of the SEC until he found out that he couldn't do that.

After spending the past umpteen months campaigning for the highest office in the land, suddenly Big John wants to work as a Senator again. Since he freely admits to knowing very little about how the economy works, how the hell does he think he's going to help at this point? Is he going to be the cheerleader? I think his buddy George W. has that end covered.

A long-time champion of deregulation (as are all of the Republicans) McCain has a lengthy voting record to prove that he's had an enormous hand in getting us to this point in the first place. Do you know why the Republicans don't want to regulate big business? Because that would mean they would have to feel guilty about taking all that money from corporate lobbyists who have been paying them to vote for deregulation all these years.

The crux of the problem is that greed is what fuels capitalism and if you start telling people that they can't be greedy anymore, then they get upset. “You mean I can't have a seventh vacation home? Fuck that! I'm the C.E. Motherfucking O.!” they say.

Greed needs oversight, which means that businesses need oversight, especially businesses that loan money to people. It's been generally acknowledged that loaning money at exorbitantly high interest rates and unreasonable terms backed by a threat of blackmail is wrong. It's called 'loan sharking' or 'predatory lending' and it's been illegal in the U.S. for a long time. That is, until the sub-prime lending crisis.

Oddly enough, when those same institutions that didn't want our government to interfere while they raped and pillaged the middle class start to have trouble and face the prospect of going belly up, guess who they want to 'bail them out'? That's right, the GOVERNMENT.

So it's time to make some decisions, people, and my guess is that instead of McCain and Bush and Obama and the rest hunkering down behind close doors while they try to hammer out a solution to keep the entire house of cards from falling down, maybe it would be a good idea if the two guys who want to be President just sit down together in front of the American people and try to answer a few questions. I know it would put my mind at ease. How about you?

So on with the fucking debate already!

By the way, I'm getting pretty tired of 'McCain/Palin' this and 'McCain/Palin' that... It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it? How about just 'McPain'... I think that says it all right there, and if they get elected you can expect at least four more years of the same old shit. If we don't all die out in the cold this winter after being evicted from our foreclosed homes.

Jenna is this week's Craig's List girl and in addition to working as an escort in the Richmond, VA area, Jenna is a lifelong, card-carrying Democrat who attended this year's Nominating Convention in Denver as a Super Delegate. After proudly casting her vote for Obama, word is she made a small fortune working the parking lot with her 'Blo and Go' special at only fifty buck a 'pop'!

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