Thursday, October 23, 2008

I have to tell you, folks, I've never liked this Rush Limbaugh. Look at him. Tell me he's not an asshole.

I'm sure a lot of you out there don't particularly care for the guy either, but you have to hand it to him, he gets paid pretty handsomely for spewing his right-wing bullshit over the airwaves every day. I wish I could draw a quarter of his paycheck for saying stupid shit. Hell, I'd say stupid shit for even less than that. Most of the time I say it for nothing. Like today.

His latest diatribe against Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama is a prime example of Limbaugh at his best, though, because at the heart of his argument that Powell's pick for President was based solely on race, there is a shred of truth. I'm sure that when the former Secretary of State and retired General (who George W. famously hung out to dry when he sent Powell into the United Nations after the 9/11 attacks to announce U.S. intentions of going after what ultimately turned out to be phantom weapons of mass destruction in Iraq) publicly endorsed his candidate for the first time this past weekend, Obama's race was a part of the equation.

Come on, Colin Powell has to be happy that there's finally going to be a black man in the White House, even if it's somebody else. It means that if he lives long enough he might get his own turn.

But Powell said all the right things when it came to the more important reasons for thinking the Illinois Senator should become our next President, using facts to make his argument while speaking from his heart about Obama's gifts as a natural leader and statesman, as well as his having the potential to become a 'transformational figure' in history.

Of course, John McPain blew the whole thing off with a nod and a wink saying that it 'wasn't a surprise', implying with that sickening yellow grin of his that he, too, believed the endorsement had racial overtones. Sure, he didn't say it, but his weasel eyes did.

However, Rush spewed it out loudly and plainly for all of America to hear, and he did it in his famous phlegmy bellow, the one that gets the rifle-toting, bible-thumping crowd so riled up. Which is what bothers me.

Hell, I don't have a problem with an African-American endorsing another African-American for President based on his race. But let me ask you this: Do you think Colin Powell would have tossed his support behind somebody like Jesse Jackson? The answer is no fucking way.

We're not talking about just any African-American when we talk about Barack Obama. The man is intelligent, accomplished and noble, by any definition of those terms. Don't you think that after eight years of the stupidest President in U.S. history we should maybe try a smart one? With some character? Well, perhaps Colin Powell thinks so, too.

Shit, just look at the choice. Any thinking person in the world can see who would make the better President, and don't get me started on this Vice President thing again. I still don't know what the Republicans were thinking on that one.

So, to sum it all up... Rush Limbaugh is a gigantic ass, and it sickens me that he thinks (as does a large portion of the American population, by the way) that voting for Barack Obama simply because he's African-American is wrong, but that it's perfectly acceptable to NOT vote for him for the exact same reason.

Leelee works the Boston page on Craig's List and specializes in 'true G.F.E., professional gentlemen preferred. Role playing, fetish and fantasy. Dom/sub. No email responses, please.' Hey, her ad is dull but check out that ass... MAJOR league sweetness, my friends.

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