Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Okay, so this guy probably should have been Ass of the Week last week, but his steadfast refusal to step down or admit any wrongdoing has earned him a spot this fine Tuesday. Not to mention he's sporting the worst haircut on a public figure since Donald Trump.

After being arrested and accused of trying to sell Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat, Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich has boldly continued forward, arrogantly claiming that he has done nothing wrong, despite the fact that federal wiretaps document him using language with some of his cohorts to suggest that the vacant seat wasn't going to be given away 'for free'. Of course, under law, the Governor is responsible for appointing a replacement to the post.

Is this a Republican scheme to taint the image of our new President, or just another example of the widespread corruption that permeates our government at every level? I'm inclined to believe that it's a little of both, but then again I live here in Detroit, where our former mayor is doing jail time and several City Council members are under investigation for taking bribes.

I also hate the Republicans, so I'm conflicted.

It's disheartening, isn't it folks? Here we are on the brink of catastrophic financial failure right at the height of the Holiday season, due in large part to the past eight years of Republican economic and foreign policy, and what do we have to look forward to as our new Democratic President takes office? Constant news coverage of this ridiculous scandal over his vacated Senate seat and an attempt to link him by association with Blagojevich, mostly because they were members of the same political party in the same state at the same time in history.

And believe me, it's a plus that Blagojevich has a name that makes him sound like a member-in-good-standing of the K.G.B. It scares all those people who were stupid enough to think Obama is 'Arab'.

No, this is just too juicy a news tidbit for it to die anytime soon, so we'll be stuck with it until it's all over, whatever the outcome. Legal analysts are now reporting that the evidence they've gathered pertaining to this particular charge against the Illinois Governor (Blagojevich has been an ongoing target of a number of investigations since taking office in 1997) may be too flimsy to stand up in court.

Ah, but it sure do play well on Fox News, do it not?

Today's Craig's List girl Candy is running a Holiday special between now and New Year's Day. Buy one get one free! I'm talking BBBJ, CIM, trips to Greece, France and the Swiss Alps... you name it! Also offering nude massage and erotic dancing, as well as full-service escorts for upscale gentlemen. Check Candy out on the Chicago page and tell her Sherman sent you!