Monday, June 18, 2007

Dear Lyzako,

One funny incident from yesterday that illustrates my aging mind in all its soggy glory...

Time was I used to understand how to multi-task, oftentimes juggling at the same time two and even three small chores in various states of completion, returning to each when attention was required as though my brain had a built-in alarm clock that operated without winding. Now I'm lucky to manage a single duty at a time without fucking it up. Yesterday I decided it was time to put some dishes to soak in order to make the washing easier, so I squeezed a shot of liquid soap over all and turned the tap on gently to fill the right side of my kitchen sink with hot water. While the sink was filling, I turned to reheat a cup of coffee in the microwave, removed it after a minute-twenty and some insistent beeps, then carefully transported it into my office to work on the computer. Some ten minutes later, when hunger stirred in me a need for a banana or some yogurt, I returned to the kitchen only to hear a mysterious whispering hiss, which I mistook for a failing motor or module in one of the many electrical and mechanical devices in the room. After a quick check of fridge and toaster, I saw nothing that could be producing the sound. I finally listened carefully, however, and pinpointed the source of the noise - the water, which I had absently left running, was cascading in a whisper from the now full right side of the sink over to the left side and rushing down the drain, steam rising from it all, but none of it reaching the floor or counter top (thankfully!).

I chose not to get upset with myself, to actually forgive myself for this minor lapse in memory, because with the forgetfulness I've noticed a slightly greater measure of peace. I no longer cling to things like wallet and keys, anally placing them where they can be found in an instant, and it seems to free my mind to think of other things, more important things. I have to admit, though, that upon waking there sometimes is a brief moment of panic: Where are my keys?! What did I do with my wallet?! They're in your pockets, fool! I know, but where are my pants?!!

Oh, by the way...the solution for stretching two days worth of clean underwear and socks into a week's worth of use? Powder, my friend. Lots of powder!

Warmest Regards,
Marty Sherman

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