Last week, after refusing to retract his comments from the week before, Gramm resigned from his position in McCain's camp, saying that he didn't want to be a “distraction”.
This week the former Texas Senator and current vice-president of a Swiss investment bank has been named... You guessed it! Ass of the Week! And we're proud to have him on board.
In Gramm's defense, I'm sure someone who's as well-connected as he is probably doesn't feel the economic pinch at all, so it's not really surprising that he would consider we lowly middle-class folks “whiners” when we suddenly have to choose between heat and food and beg the government for help after we get laid off and can't find a job. After all, most of his money (a fair share of it earned as a publicly-funded salary during the twenty-something years he spent in office in Texas) is probably invested in that bank in Switzerland where it's nice and safe (and probably grows tax-free).
What you should be asking yourself, though, is this: How in the fuck could a guy like Gramm become one of McCain's top aides? Of course! They're all members of the Loyal Order of Republicans! Let's just suppose for a second that Gramm had kept his mouth shut and McCain gets elected come November. Where do you think that would put Gramm? How about Chairman of the Federal Reserve? And I have to believe he'd be the worst one ever.
I don't know if this has been under-reported or I've just been so sick of the news that I can't watch anymore, but Gramm's resignation seemed to be just a tiny blip on the election coverage radar. In fact, most of the stuff coming out now from both sides seems minor compared to the glare the media put on the Democratic race when Hillary was still part of it.
And remember this: Phil Gramm is the one who put together McCain's economic policy from the very beginning of his Presidential campaign. You know, the policy that steers us towards four more years of George W. Bush's policies. Anybody out there really want that? Look at Gramm closely and remember that face. He's evil and you should never vote for him again. For ANY office. Even in Texas.
One last thing... If John McCain picked Gramm for such an important position in his own circle of advisors, how good do you think he'd be at picking Supreme Court Justices?
Your Honor, I rest my case.

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