Yes, we get mail, and in an effort to share some of our readers' concerns and answer some of their questions (both the stupid and the not-so-stupid kind) our version of the Letters To The Editor column will be appearing regularly.
So feel free to pipe up and let us know what you think!
Our first letter is from darryld34, who asks: “What kind of site is this anyway? I don't get it. I was looking for some porn and got directed here but all I find is links? Is this a porn site or what?”
Well, darryld34, it seems obvious to me, but I'll try to explain anyway. Almost Okay is a blog, which is short for 'web log'. When this blogging thing got started the initial concept was to use it as an on-line journal of sorts where one could post pictures and share thoughts with friends and family all over the world. However, blogging quickly evolved into all sorts of things - from daily news and commentary to (yes, it's true) porn. Since porn has been as much a part of my life as anything I learned in five useless years at art school, I include some links and references to my favorites. Is Almost Okay a porn site? Technically, no. It is more of a journal, with entries (including a few porn-related ones) aimed to entertain. If you're looking for a true porn site, try some of the links on the right over there. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. And tell 'em Sherman sent you.
The next one is from Percival Von Pluttbugger. Percy writes: “Whatever happened to the poetry? It was my absolute favorite part of the whole entire thing!”
First off, I hope that's not your real name, Percy, but I'm happy you appreciated the poetry. At present, however, the verse has been put on hold due to the second death of Prof. Dirk Beat and the disappearance of our other regular contributor, Ye Olde Blowharde (who actually came up with the name for this column before vanishing into thin air). I'm hoping for ol' Dirk to start writing from the grave again any minute, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
Lastly, from The Batster: “How come you review old bad movies on tape and never review new movie releases like 'The Dark Knight'?”
You must be a relatively new reader, Batster, because I actually did review 'Death Proof' when it came out in theaters during the spring of 2007. Aside from that one, though, there hasn't been a single film released domestically which I found to be worthy of my attention, let alone the time it takes me to write a thoughtful review. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure 'Dark Knight' is going to break every record ever set and will get Oscar nods and all that crap. It's just that between the endless promotion and product tie-ins, I feel it has been covered more than sufficiently by the mainstream media. So go eat your goddamned 'Gotham City Pizza' and leave me alone.
I guess that's it for now, folks.
If you have any comments, questions or jokes to share, please feel free to write me at: coolhandmarty@gmail.com.
I'm looking forward to hearing from each and every one of you sonso'bitches!
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