Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Dear Lyzako,

I can remember no other vice-presidential debate in my lifetime to which I looked forward with such anticipation as the one taking place in Missouri tonight between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. My hope is that the proceedings will shine a much-needed spotlight on the long list of egregious shortcomings attached to the Republican ticket.

I picture that segment of America who has been championing Palin's pioneering 'maverick' spirit and her hockey mom status as qualities that make her worthy of the presidency watching in stunned disbelief, slack jaws hanging even wider agape as her pathetic grasp of the issues and her obvious lack of insight into solutions becomes glaringly apparent while she babbles on in that nervous, beauty queen pseudo-babble-sound-byte-speak of hers. The sudden realization that their beloved Republican-Super-Mom-Vice-Presidential hopeful has no business in the White House will make them drop their weapons and bibles in haste while they swiftly administer a series of solid slaps to their collective foreheads, thereby once and for all causing them to 'see the light' and consequently pull the Democratic lever come November.

Alas, though, it's just a fantasy.

I continue to be surprised at the number of people who always buy into the complete line of Republican bullshit every four years, including the ridiculous notion this time that Sarah Palin can simply roll up her sleeves and 'git 'er done' once she's in the Oval Office. Both you and I would normally consider these folks intelligent. They are hard working, often creatively entrepreneurial and solid citizens in most every way.

Unfortunately, many of them also believe that an enormous man dressed in white robes with a flowing beard is sitting at a desk counting how many times they take his name in vain. To each his own.

Almost as much as another four years with the Republicans at the helm of our economic and foreign policy, I fear their misguided choices to replace retiring members of the Supreme Court. Do we really want Sarah Palin, yet another born-again Christian, who attends a church where the notion of speaking in tongues is considered some sort of primitive communication with our 'Higher Power' deciding who should sit behind the bench of the highest court in our land?

I can tell you with absolute conviction that I, for one, do not.

Among the deficiencies in logic promulgated by Governor Palin (ideas also held in high regard by the far right and much of the Republican Party) is the conflicting notions that abortion is wrong because it takes human life but the war in Iraq is right because it is our 'mission from God'. Killing is killing by any stroke of the sword, and I have to believe that any 'God' would see little difference between collateral damage and terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

I'd also like to point out that in the vast majority of human history, tribal economics and survival instincts have caused many a child birthed without a penis to be either eaten or casually tossed into the river because of her perceived weaknesses and lack of ability to contribute to the welfare of the society as a whole.

But I digress.

In the long run, I predict that this debate will make little difference in the decision-making of the Red States once those folks get into the election booths in a month. Just as they have blind faith in a Christian 'God' that tells them it is permissible to kill Muslims in 'His' name while making it a sin to terminate an embryo during the early stages of pregnancy, they have faith in the Republican Party to do no wrong, and no matter how ignorant Sarah Palin comes off tonight, they will smile, believe and confidently vote her in.

Because 'God' says it's right.

The rest of us here in America, though, the incredulous ones who can't believe that anybody, anywhere at any time, would ever take this Republican ticket seriously, will have a hearty chortle or two. Right along with the rest of the world, who happen to be laughing at us and not with us.

Warm Regards,
Marty Sherman

PS By the way, I'm getting pretty tired of hearing what a brave POW John McCain was. Sure he served his country in Vietnam. Yes, he got shot down and spent years in an enemy prison camp where they tortured him in every way imaginable, both mentally and physically. Does that really make him courageous? More courageous say than his opponent? For all of you who think so, why don't you put yourself in Barack Obama's shoes for a day. The number of death threats he has received and incidents of stolen and defaced Obama campaign signs are too numerous to mention here, but if you ask me, the fact that he's continuing to go forward with barely a public acknowledgment of the deep-seated racial hatred he experiences every single day on a first-hand basis here in the United States as he campaigns for one of the most difficult and thankless jobs in the world is a great measure of his courage, not only as a candidate, but as a man. If you don't believe me, just Google his name plus 'swastika' and you will see ample evidence of the KKK rearing its ugly head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, my hope that Sarah Failin would run off the stage crying and trip on her high heels went unfulfilled.