Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Smoking and Drinking Pt. 1

I was sitting at the end of the bar in The Bar soaking up air conditioning, watching the Tigers and minding my own business. It was another Monday and the place was comfortably populated with folks drinking solo and in pairs at intervals the full length of the bar, with many empty seats in between. I could have done with even fewer fellow humans, but I was getting by okay.

About half way into my second pint of Great Lakes Pilsner, a guy walked in and sat two seats to my right. I could smell the cologne on him. He was wearing a pressed blue dress shirt and a navy print tie, black slacks, an expensive watch with a leather strap. He had short jet-black hair and dark skin, and looked like he could have been Pakistani or Indian to me. But what do I know? Fay came over and he ordered a Bell's Oberon, checked his cell phone. He had one of those fancy ones with all the buttons and a little keyboard so he could be on the Internet anytime, anywhere, a little stylus for pushing the buttons cached in a pocket to the side. They serve the Oberon there with an orange slice on the rim of the glass and when Blue Shirt's beer arrived he delicately picked up the slice and dropped it into the foam, then asked Fay for a book of matches before getting back to his cell. A minute later he pulled out a yellow pack of smokes and lit one up.

Now, I didn't make a fuss at this point. I'm in a bar and I understand the hazards involved in this backward thinking state of Michigan where smoking still isn't banned in eating and drinking establishments. But the smoke-eater was located on the wall to my left and was drawing the evil, curling, shit-smell, fag spew right across and under my nose. The worst part was that Blue Shirt was one of those guys who thinks it's cool just to have one lit, and his cigarette spent a lot more time in the ash tray than it did in his hand. I was choking on second-hand smoke by the time he got up and headed for the can, leaving half a pint and half a butt burning away beside me.

I watched the butt burn down close to the filter as my blood pressure rose steadily and Blue Shirt stayed in the can. Finally thinking that maybe the dumb ass left, I was just about to reach over and put the fucking thing out myself when Blue Shirt returned. I looked him in the eye as he approached and he shot me shifty glances back. Before he could even sit down I said to him: “Those things aren't fucking incense you know,” and I looked right at the burning butt so he'd understand what I was talking about.

“No, it's a Chohnz,” he said. I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about, still don't. I had no idea whether he was trying to explain that it was some Parisian brand or what, but that's what I heard him say. All I knew at the time was I'd had enough.

“Look it's obvious that I'm not smoking here,” I said with more than a little force.

“Oh. Sorry.” Blue Shirt looked at the burning fag and finally understood what I was talking about, picked it up and sucked the last of it through his lungs and I went back to watching the Tigers, which I hoped would distract me enough to keep from killing him.

Just last night I was at another bar listening to my jukebox selections when a young kid came in, plopped his ass right next to me and lit up a cigarette, took a tiny puff then dropped it in the ash tray. A couple minutes later he picked it up and dumped the ashes, held it for a while as he conversed with his friend, dumped the ashes again, set it down, took a drink of his Jack and Coke, then picked it up again before taking another puff. I was ready to go anyway, so I did. Isaac Hayes had just finished “I Stand Accused” and it was my last song.

A friendly word of advice to all you smokers out there, though, especially those of you who primarily smoke just while drinking... There are people who drink but DO NOT smoke! Not just me, lots of people. And the protocol of common courtesy when sitting next to somebody who is obviously NOT smoking, no matter WHERE the fuck you are, calls for you to ask said non-smoker: 'DO YOU MIND IF I SMOKE?'

End of discussion.

And by the way, I'd much prefer to sit next to some chain-smoker who's obviously in need of the nicotine and gets his money's worth out of each cigarette than one of you casual smoker fucks who still thinks it's cool to hold a lit fag in one hand and a drink in the other. Filter that goddamn smoke through YOUR fucking lungs, not MINE!


A Detroiter in San Francisco said...

Why don't you quit whining, pissing and moaning like a teenage girl and start smoking, you fag.

Better yet, drink at home.

How do you like them fucking apples? Or don't you like apples either, prick?

marty sherman said...

First: You're lucky to be living in a civilized state like California.

Second: Gala and Fuji are my favorites.

Third: I thought I said'END OF DISCUSSION'!

Raoul Duke said...

I heard a great story about a crotchety old hamtramck bar owner. My real estate agent is in there smoking a cigar when a couple of yuppie suburbanites walk in and order wine. Mind you this is a shot and a beer sort of place.

They get a couple of sips into their wine when they turn to ask the cigar-smokier if he minded putting his smoke out.

The bar keep walked to the till, retrieved the yuppie's cash and slapped it on the bar only saying "this is a bar", and looking at the door.

There are plenty of smoke-free bars in places places outside of Detroit. I suggest if smoke isn't your thing, leave the city, cause the city smokes. A lot.

marty sherman said...

I appreciate your compassion, Raoul. I do. I lived in Hamtramck for ten years and know the kind of bar you're talking about. Shit, I've probably puked in there.

Walking into a situation and being walked in on are two completely different issues, though.

If I enter a smoke-filled room I expect to be asphyxiated by the fumes. In the case of your example, I more than likely would have decided to not sit down and that would have been that. Unless of course the place was filled with attractive, half-drunk women, which in my experience doesn't happen all that much in that kind of bar...the attractive part of the equation, I mean.

It would also have a lot to do with my current state of enebriation. Sober, I'd probably find another watering hole. Four drinks in, I might just have to piss and pound another one or two. Who knows?

No, my objection is to those inconsiderate fuckheads who sit down next to me, light one up and practically blow the fucking smoke in my face or let the goddamn thing burn away untouched in an ashtray on my side of them because their 'buddy' or 'boyfriend' doesn't smoke.

All I'm asking is that they smoke the fucking things, not wave them around, and put the goddamn butt out when they're finished.

By the way...nearly every single time I've been politely asked "Do you mind if I smoke?", I say: "No, but how very kind of you to ask."

The odds on that go way up if it's an attractive, half-drunk woman...