Thursday, March 20, 2008

During the course of an interview for ABC News yesterday, Vice-President Dick Cheney was told that recent polls indicated the majority of Americans no longer support the war in Iraq. His response was a resounding: “So?”

When pressed further about whether or not he cared what the American people thought, Cheney didn't exactly say that he did. In fact, judging from his response, my observation would be that he doesn't give two shits about what we think, and neither does our great Commander-In-Chief George W. Bush.

How else could the two of them continue to arrogantly defend their right to manufacture false evidence about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, go to war in the middle of the night with no real declaration, and then continue the widely unpopular and costly debacle five long years after Bush declared “Mission Accomplished” while standing on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln with a pair of Ben Wa balls shoved up his ass?

Of course, while Cheney was doing his little interview, George W. was stirring the pot at the Pentagon, pontificating about the Iraq invasion and the removal of Saddam being “the right decision”. I've no doubt the bastard believes it, too. Most stupid, narcissistic people think that every decision they make is the right one. I'm sure Bush and Cheney are no different.

Both of them also believe that the troop surge has helped our cause and that no matter how many years it takes, we will eventually be able to fight and win the Iraqis' Civil War for them, sacrificing thousands of young American lives and trillions of taxpayer dollars in the process.

A few questions later in the interview, Cheney followed party lines and voiced support for John McCain's bid for the Presidency, but refused to respond to a direct question about what he thought of Barack Obama's stirring and inspirational speech from Philadelphia earlier this week. Seems he doesn't want to get involved in the question of 'racial relations' in America. Remember what I said, folks? This smug bastard doesn't give two shits about you, me or anybody else - black, white or brown - who isn't in his immediate family or circle of cronies. That's because he's both white and rich!

And then, when asked about Obama's growing support from our troops overseas because he plans to begin immediate withdrawal from Iraq once he's elected, Slick Dick avoided even acknowledging the fact, insisting instead that the troops have “...overwhelmingly supported the mission. Every single one of them is a volunteer.”

Ha! Volunteer?! What else can you do if you can't afford college and can't find a job? Run for Vice-President? What Cheney also failed to mention was that due to the current widespread use of the Stop-Loss policy during this particular war, our so-called 'volunteer' troops can be called on again and again to serve multiple tours of duty long after they've fulfilled their agreed upon terms of service.

“Listen here, fellah, I'm afraid you're going to have to volunteer again, and we won't take 'No' for an answer.”

Sounds a lot like a draft, doesn't it? Believe me, folks, if you vote John McCain into the White House this November, it's going to be just a matter of time. Nobody in their right minds would 'volunteer' for this mess.

President John McCain... Hey, I wouldn't put it past the American public if that happens. I mean, shit, we elected George W. Bush... TWICE. How fucking smart can we be?

Tanya is this week's Craig's List girl and you'll find her on the Sacramento page. A California native and certified massage therapist, Tanya specializes in sensuous nude oil massage with hand release. Other services may be available, and rates start at 200 kisses. She also sells her used panties, tampons and socks in case anyone's interested.

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